Read Game 2 poems, "Roger the Dog" and "The Falling Star." Then answer each question. Remember to
explain WHY you chose the winner based on poet's craft (rhyme, line
breaks, punctuation, simile/metaphor, word choice, repetition)and your
personal connection to the meaning.
Your post needs to include the following:
1. What is the meaning of the first poem? (Summarize in one sentence)
2. What is the meaning of the second poem? (Summarize in one sentence)
3. Based on the criteria, which poem did you choose and WHY?
***Please tell me everything you think, but use your best writing.
In your response, remember to:
*Capitalize the title of the poem and put quotation marks around the title.
*not put a comma around "because."
Dear Ms.Sikes,
The poem "Roger the Dog" is about a dog named Roger and what he does. The dog sleeps, eats, exercises, and goes back to sleep. He owner helps him through his day too. The poem "The Falling Star" is about a shooting star (in my opinion) and people who are making wishes on it, and seeing it fly across the sky. My favorite poem out of all of these would have to be "The Falling Star." It is my favorite because if I ever see a shooting star (which I won't) I would follow it and it would be really cool!
1) Roger the dog is about a loving, awesome dog.
2) Falling Star is about an experience of watching a shooting star.
3)My favorite is Roger the Dog because it is kinda funny and entertaining because it says that he bakes his head like a loaf of bread.
I think "Rodger the Dog" is about a dog who is VERY lazy and likes to sleep and eat. I think the poem was made to entertain. I really like the way the author describes what the dogs life if like.
I think "The Falling Star" is about a shooting star. I like shooting stars, but I can never see them. They go to fast and I think this is a good, vivid demonstration of a shooting star.
I like "Rodger the Dog" the best because it really stands out to me. I can't really connect with "Falling Star" because I've never seen a shooting star. I really like dogs and I can just see a dog like Rodger. I also really like the humor of this poem. It would be funny to see Rodger in person because my dog has lots of energy and REALLY wants to use it!
"Roger the Dog" is about a man that has a lazy dog. He tells about what his dog does. His dog reminds me of my dog. "The Falling Star" is about a girl who sees a star that she likes.
The winner in my opinion, is "Rodger the Dog". I like it because it rhymes and it reminds me of my dog.
Dear Ms.Sikes,
1."Roger the dog" is about roger that wishes he was warm and humans do what ever they want with him. He saves his best for last. He will work hard.
2. "the falling Star" is about that she saw a star and she liked the star and she wouldn't buy it
3. I chose "falling star" because i have seen i falling star also and I really liked it.
Dear Ms.Sikes,
1."The Falling Star" was about a shooting star falling from the sky.
2."Roger the Dog" was a dog named Roger and i think he was a lazy dog or he was sick.
3. I like Roger the dog because i have expearened my dogs being sick, but i love them and them being lazy.
1."Roger the Dog" is about a dog who doesn`t make a difference and just does the things he has to do. the writer, Ted Huhges, is saying to make a difference, you have to run the extra mile.
2."The Falling Star" is about how you need to make good things out of the little things because they won`t last very long.
3.I like "The Falling Star" more because If you don`t do the little things in life,just the big things, you won`t have any small, funny, little memories.
Dear MS. SIkes, I think "Roger the Dog" is about a boy telling the story of his dog. The boy is describing how the only thing his dog does with his energy is eat and sleep.
I think "The Falling Stat" is about a person who sees a falling star for the first time, and she is saying how amazing it is.
My favorite poem was "The Falling Star" I liked it because of how it rhymes. My favorite rhyme was, "Too burning and too quick to hold,too lovely to be bought or sold."
Dear Ms. Sikes
1. "Roger The Dog" is about a dog who will work hard, but likes to mess around a lot, and likes to sleep even though he is a hard worker.
2."The Falling Star" is about someone who sees a shooting star, and it opens their eyes to see all the beautiful things God created.
3. I choose "The Falling Star" because it speaks to me. I like it because, to me, it tells you to open your eyes, be aware of the surroundings around you, and to do whatever you can to help everyone.
Dear Ms. Sikes,
"Roger the Dog" is about a dog that is very stubborn and a life that is very stubborn. "The Falling Star" is about a star that is beautiful but dosen't last long. I picked "The Falling Star" because I like the word choice and the rhymes.
Your Student,
“the Falling Star” begins, and ends with someone describing a shooting star as many different things such as, “too burning and too quick to hold” and, “too lovely to be bought or sold”
“Roger the Dog” is about an abnormally L-A-Z-Y dog who’s favorite activities seem to be eating, and sleeping.
I chose “the Falling Star” because the words, “Good only to make wishes on, and then forever to be gone” seized my heart entirely.
1. Roger the Dog" is about a dog that loves to sleep.
2."The Falling Star" is about a star that falls from the sky.
3.I chose "The Falling Star" because I really like the rhyme sceame. It says sky and by, hold and sold,on and gone. They all rhyme perfectly.
"Roger the Dog" is about a fat, lazy dog who would rather sleep or eat than anything.
"The Falling Star" is about a star that is falling and is to beautiful and hot to do anything with.
"The Falling Star" is my favorite because the word flow really well and it sounds very pretty.
Dear, Ms.Sikes
I think Roger the Dog is about a dog who is really lazy and will never get up.
I think The Falling Star is about a shooting star, and how beautiful wonderful it is.
My favorite poem was Roger the Dog because of how much I can relate to it and how entertaining it is.
The meaning of the first poem is to tell what the dog is like. The meaning of the second poem is to tell that a shooting star is gleaming through the sky. I like the second poem a lot better because you kind of have to use your context clues to tell what the poem is about.
In the poem "Falling Star" it is telling you about how a shooting star comes and goes to quickly. My opinion of the poem "Falling Star" is trying to tell you how life goes by quicker than a shooting star.
The poem "Roger the Dog" is trying to tell you about a dog that only uses its energy to eat, and only wakes to scratch fleas, he otherwise is just pure lazy. I think the poem is trying to say that we are sometimes very lazy and just want to watch television or eat.
My favorite poem is "Falling Star" because it makes sense to me and I can connect to that when I am doing something really fun life just seems to be going 100 miles per hour. "Falling Star" also paints a much more glamorous picture in my mind, so I vote for "Falling Star".
Dear Ms. Sikes,
1."Roger the Dog" is about a dog who is very active, and Roger has people to take care of him. They exercise him to keep him strong, so he will live a good life.
2."The Falling Star" is about a little falling star that has fallen out of its place. If you make a wish that then it will be gone forever.
3."Roger the Dog" is the poem I chose because I have 2 dogs just like Roger, and I like all the detail in the poem.
I think that the meaning of "Roger the Dog" is that the owner of the dog thinks that the dog is really lazy.
I think that the meaning of"The Falling Star" is that if you see a shooting star than you should make the most of the beautiful star before it is gone from any ones view forever.
I think that the winner of this round is"The Falling Star" because it kind of said that you should make the most of the small things in the world wile you still can, and also because I liked how it rhymed so well and where the poet chose to put the line breaks in it to make it rhyme
Dear Ms. Sikes,
1. “Roger the Dog” is all about a dog that is sometimes lazy and is sometimes active.
2. “The Falling Star” is all about person who saw a star and described it and told that it was falling star.
3. I like “Roger the Dog” better because Roger is an example of my dog because my dog is sometimes really active and sometimes he is really lazy.
Your Favorite Student,
Will Brownie
1. "Roger the Dog" is about a dog that sleeps very soundly and doesn't wake up easily.
2."The Falling Star" is about wishing on a shooting star that we wish on, and the shooting star is too precious to sell.
3.I chose "The Falling Star" because I love shooting stars. I also chose this because it can refer to life and how you can wish on a shooting star.
Dear Ms. Sikes,
1. "The Falling Star" is about a fast, lovely star. It said to make a wish ,and the it will go away forever.
2. "Roger the Dog" is about a dog who sleeps ( a lot), hogs the fire, snores (big), saves all his energy for the munch crunch, and the falls asleep again. You can just some it up as: PURE LAZINESS.
3. It was a close tie, but only one can win. My winner is... "The Falling Star". Actually I'm sort of expecting the doggy one to win. Here's my reason: I mean the "Roger Dog" one, totally my life style, but I really liked the idea of a wishing star. It was sort of...unique, and the ways she wrote...Awesome. That's sort of why I chose "The Falling Star".
Dear Ms. Sikes,
The meaning of the first poem, Roger the dog, was made to entertain you and talk about a very lazy dog-named Roger. The second poem’s meaning is to entertain you and tell you about a falling star that a person saw flying through the sky. I liked the first poem, Roger the dog, because I thought it was well wrote and it pulled me in more.
Dear Ms. Sikes,
"Roger the Dog" is about a dog that is lazy and puts all of his energy into eating. I thought about this one a lot, and this is what I came up with.
The meaning of " The Falling Star" is that some things come quick and they are to good to saver. So you need to act on them while they are there.
I like "The Falling Star" better because sometimes I feel the same way, and agree with her that when a happy thing comes you need to act quickly before it is gone.
1. "Roger the Dog" is about a dog that is very lazy and will only do stuff to benifet him.
2. "The Falling Star" is about how you don't alw3ays have to have something to love it.
3. I liked "The Falling Star" because it had a really great word choice and it just made me feel good.
1. "Roger the dog" is about a dog who is just lazy and never wants to do anything.
2. "The Falling Star" is about a star that comes once in a lifetime and you need to saver those moments in life.
3. I think "The Falling Star" is my favorite because you can relate to it in real life.
1."Roger the Dog" is about a dog that only eats,and sleeps.
2."The Falling Star" is about a falling star that someone thinks is pretty.
3.I like"Roger the Dog" because it sound exactly like my dog personally. I also like how it rhymes.
"Roger the Dog" is about a sloppy dog who hogs things, and ruins things.
"The Falling Star" is about a star that is very pretty and it only comes once, and you're supposed to make a wish.
I like "Roger the Dog" better because I have a dog that's sort of sloppy, but not to much. Also, he is so big and he hogs things like tennis balls.
Dear Ms.Sikes
1. “Roger the dog” is about a dog who is lazy and likes to dig holes.
2. “The Falling Star” Is about a shuting star that was very bright.
I like “Roger the dog” beter because my dog was lazy.
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